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Importance of Web Maintenance for Dubai-Based Businesses
What does website maintenance entail in Dubai?
Website maintenance is the process of evaluating a website for faults and errors on a regular basis and updating its content. Website maintenance should be performed as frequently and routinely as possible to maintain the website’s functionality, increase traction, and improve the website’s SEO and Google rankings.
Why should Dubai-based companies invest in website maintenance?
New firms in Dubai frequently create temporary websites or do not devote a significant amount of time to the initial stages of website development. These businesses may fail to meet their website goals and objectives even if their websites are visually appealing because they are not up-to-date, have broken links, or take too long to load. Here are some of the main reasons why your website needs a frequent checkup:.

Google rankings play a significant role in determining search results for businesses, products, and other topics. Because Dubai is a technologically advanced city, the majority of people conduct their searches on Google and only look at the first page of search engine results. You must guarantee that your website’s search engine optimization (SEO) is done correctly and verify it on a frequent basis. To improve your SEO, you should update your website’s keywords, on-page content, blogs, and news stories (if applicable).

To increase user engagement, make sure your website is easy to use and understand for those unfamiliar with your business. A hassle-free digital surfing experience will not only enhance website traffic but may also help you build your organization by generating real leads.

Maintaining a secure website is crucial for e-commerce businesses in Dubai. You must ensure that third-party connected platforms do not hack or misuse the personal information entered by users on your website. Make sure to update your Content Management System (CMS) for security and obtain an SSL certificate for checkout and payment pages.

Keeping up with trends: A more visually appealing and user-friendly website is more likely to attract customers. Websites have grown significantly since the birth of the internet. To stay ahead of the competition, identify future trends for improving your website’s digital journey and choose how to incorporate them.

What factors should you consider when maintaining your website?
Many duties must be completed on a weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly basis.

Weekly: Ensure all pages load smoothly and without issues.
Backup your latest version of the website and double-check that it has been preserved.
Update the software and CMS plugins.
Check that the forms operate properly.
Remove inappropriate comments from blogs and pages.
Check for broken links across all pages and fix them.
On a monthly basis, we check the website’s load speed to ensure it is not slowing down.
Perform security checks, collect data, and analyze website statistics from last month.
Update current or create new blogs.
On a quarterly basis, audit the website and offer changes.
Look for creatives that may need to be changed on the website.
Audit all components of SEO to ensure their effectiveness.
Test and alter pop-ups, forms, and calls to action on a website.
On a yearly basis, update references to reflect the current year, such as the copyright year.
Check the pages for grammar, typos, and accuracy.
Remove undesirable email addresses from the website’s database.
Renew your domain name and receive website maintenance services, including WordPress maintenance plans and bundles. Redberries Dubai, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
How much does web maintenance cost?
The cost of website upkeep varies according to the type of website that was developed. Small personal blogs may be less expensive than e-commerce websites, which have many more elements that can be changed or modified. There may be websites designed just for marketing purposes, as well as custom-built websites that cost significantly more than e-commerce sites. Custom websites are more expensive due to their higher energy and time requirements.

Factors to consider when purchasing a website maintenance package
The following are some of the numerous aspects one should examine before purchasing a website maintenance plan:.

Size of the webpage
The purpose of the webpage
Customized content (if needed)
Maintaining an outdated website requires dedicated time.
Experience with website maintenance
Growth of business
Stay in contact with BM Marketing, a digital marketing and website design company in Dubai, to stay up-to-date on new concerns in the digital industry. If you have any questions, need assistance, or are looking for a digital marketing agency in Dubai, please contact us immediately! . For further updates, please like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.

website design company in Dubai